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​These regulations supercede any previous regulations of the EBCTS as at 01/04/2017

Level One (MEBCTS)


Membership of the European Board of Cardiothoracic Surgery (MEBCTS): tests the scope of knowledge, clinical judgement and application of the principles and practice of a surgeon to the standard expected at the end of their training in the generality of cardiothoracic surgery, ready to commence as an independent specialist (e.g. CCT level in UK).


Article 1 - Training requirements

The training requirements of their country of training should have been completed and the candidate should be ready to start independent practice.


Article 2 - Accreditation

National accreditation should be available in predominantly cardiac / cardiothoracic / cardiovascular / congenital cardiac / thoracic surgery


This accreditation can be held by those who include other areas of surgery, for example general vascular surgery, within their overall practice. This should harmonise with European rules for those specialties.


Article 3 - Recognition

Only trained surgeons recognised as such by their responsible National Boards/organisation may apply for assessment and recognition by the European Board of Cardiothoracic Surgery.

Candidates from countries where cardiac / cardiothoracic / thoracic surgery is not an independent specialty will be evaluated on an individual basis provided that they fulfil all other requirements (eg. Numbers and type of operations) during their training. In countries where there is a Government approved National examination the EBCTS examinations cannot be used to bypass National qualifications.


Article 4 - Minimum training

Candidates should have spent at least 4 years of recognised training in either adult cardiac surgery, thoracic surgery or congenital cardiac surgery or a combination of these at the time of sitting the examination.


Article 5 - Operations performed

To apply for the Membership examination in cardiothoracic surgery the candidate should have performed, as the primary operating surgeon, over 100 major cardiac, congenital and/or thoracic operations.


For cardiac and congenital cases, these include on and off-pump operations on the coronary arteries, heart valve, thoracic aorta and the repair or palliation of congenital heart disease. Minor procedures such as pacemaker implantations, sternal revisions, ECMO decannulations or revisions, PDA ligations can be added to show the breadth of experience obtained but do not count for the total of major operations performed.


For thoracic cases, these include lung resection, VATS, decortications and other major lung operative procedures. Minor procedures such as chest tube insertions, bronchoscopies, etc. can be added to show the breadth of experience obtained but do not count for the total of major operations performed.


The operative log and experience, as well as support letters and other documentation, will be reviewed by the Board and considered in its entirety to decide on eligibility to sit the Level 1 examinations. Decisions on eligibility will be final and not subject to appeal.


Article 6 - Principals and competence

All candidates should understand the principles of the generality of all the major sub-specialties of Adult Cardiac, Congenital and Thoracic surgery including general professional issues.


Article 7 - Application

  • A completed EBCTS online application form 

  • A recent photograph

  • A copy of national medical diploma

  • A copy of licence to practice medicine

  • A copy of ‘national specialist diploma’ or CCT (Certificate of Completion of Training) issued by the appropriate official body of that Country. (Alternatively, evidence of eligibility for a National Specialist Diploma or CCT may be considered at the Board’s discretion). Applicants from Switzerland must obtain a letter of support from the Secretary of the Swiss Board of Cardiac and Thoracic Vascular Surgery.

  • Two completed Structured Reference Form’s (one must be from the Head of Department or Head of Training) (refer to template provided in application form)

  • A logbook summary of procedures performed and assisted – last 4 years. (This summary must be validated by the referees.  This evidence will ONLY be accepted on the template provided in the application form)


Note: all documents which are not in English must be accompanied by an official signed and stamped translation.

On the basis of these submissions the European Board will decide if a candidate is eligible to be considered for the examination.


Article 8 - Accepted Candidates

Candidates deemed eligible may undertake the Membership examination in the generality of the specialty of cardiothoracic surgery, in English, for which a fee will be payable.


A 180 MCQ (4 hour) examination will be set by a panel of question writers appointed by the European Board. The examination will be quality assured.


Article 9 - Appeals

After the examination, appeals may be addressed to the Chairman of the European Board of Cardiothoracic Surgery, at the address of the office of the Board.  All appeals will be considered by the Board.  The examiners' decision is final.


Article 10 - Examination schedule

The Board will organise the Membership examination at least once a year (starting in 2017).


Article 11 - Diploma

Candidates who are successful in the examination will receive a diploma recognizing them as a Member of the European Board of Cardiothoracic Surgery (MEBCTS).

Level Two (FEBCTS)


Fellowship of the European Board of Cardiothoracic Surgery (FEBCTS): tests the scope of knowledge, clinical judgement and application of the principles and practice of an autonomous/independently practising surgeon to the standard expected in one or more areas of established specialist practice (adult cardiac surgery; thoracic surgery; congenital cardiac surgery alone or in combination).  This surgeon would be expected to be independently ‘emergency safe’ in their chosen areas of specialist practice.


Article 1 - Requirements

Candidates must have successfully completed the Membership examination within the last 7 years.
N.B. Any candidate who has successfully taken the EBCTS examination from 2013-2016 is exempt from taking the Membership examination


Article 2 - Specialist practice

Candidates should have been in independent specialist practice for 2 years at the time of examination. This must be evidenced by the candidates Head of Department.


Article 3 - Application

The candidate must present at application:

  • A completed EBCTS online application form

  • A recent photograph

  • Two completed Structured Reference Form’s (one must be from the Head of Department) (refer to template provided in application form)

  • A short summary of independant specialist practice including surgeon outcomes and publications for the previous 2 years (max 2 pages)

  • A logbook summary of procedures performed and taught and should cover a minimum of 2 years of independent practice. (This summary must be validated by the referees.  This evidence will ONLY be accepted on the template provided in the application form)

Note: all documents which are not in English must be accompanied by an official signed and stamped translation.

On the basis of these submissions the European Board will decide if a candidate is eligible to be considered for the examination.


Article 4 - Accepted candidates

Candidates deemed eligible may undertake the Fellowship examination in the sub-specialty area/s of their choice for which they are accepted.


This 4 part oral examination will consist of multiple structured scenario based clinical questions set and marked by the panel of examiners appointed by the European Board. This examination and the examiners will be quality assured and will  be undertaken in English, for which a fee will be payable


Article 5 - Appeals

After the examination, appeals may be addressed to the Chairman of the European Board of Cardiothoracic Surgery, at the address of the office of the Board.  All appeals will be considered by the Board. The examiners decision is final.


Article 6 - Examination schedule

The Board will organise the Fellowship examinations in the 3 sub-specialties at least once a year (starting 2018).


Article 7 - Diploma

​Candidates who are successful will be awarded the Fellowship of the European Board of Cardiothoracic Surgery (sub-specialty) i.e. FEBCTS (Thoracic); FEBCTS (Cardiac); FEBCTS (Congenital).


Certificates will be awarded by the European Board of Cardiothoracic Surgery with recognition by the European Association of Cardiothoracic Surgery and the Union of European Medical Specialties (UEMS)



Previous variants of the European Board exam are the equivalent to the current Level 2 (FEBCTS) examination.

1986-2012 – European Board of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgeons – FEBTCS
2013-2016 – European Board of Cardiothoracic Surgery – FEBCTS

EBCTS is not a regulatory or standards setting body and EBCTS certification is only a confirmation that a surgeon has passed a particular exam or reached a certain standard. EBCTS certification does not supersede the responsibilities of local, national, or wider formal professional assessment of 'fit for practice' accreditation

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